St. Rocco School is accredited by the New England Association for Schools and Colleges. Students earn well-above average scores on standardized tests.
98% of St. Rocco students graduate from high school
95% of St. Rocco students go on to college.
Small school and class size, together with caring, committed teachers, strong parent involvement, and supportive school leaders provide a school climate that promotes energetic, enthusiastic and disciplined students who take pride in their school and their achievements.
Grading Criteria
Grading/Weighting/Honors/SRS Honor Society Policies >
STAR assessments are used regularly throughout the year as formative and interim testing
to screen for reading and math achievement levels. They are administered three times a year in September, January and May for grades K-8. The assessments are computer based either being taken on a laptop or a Chromebook, The reports yield data in both disciplines in order for the teachers to identify differentiated classroom instructional strategies for individualized student progress in grades K-8.
National Catholic Education Association – ACRE Test
The NCEA ACRE is a tool to assist school and parish catechetical leaders providing a sound comprehensive religion program. NCEA ACRE gives bishops, pastors, administrators, teacher/catechists, parents, and students a picture of the basic faith knowledge and religious perceptions of students at various levels of age and stage of development. With these data, faith education leaders and participants can explore areas of strength as well as areas that need additional attention. Using such an assessment annually allows leaders to identify the trajectory of their faith education efforts and track improvements as goals and strategies are changed or refined. St. Rocco School conducts ACRE testing for Grades 5 and 8 annually.