Mission Statement
Sharing the Love of the Heart of Christ is the foundation of the St. Rocco School Community. We are dedicated to creating a safe environment that instills Catholic values and nourishes the development and growth of the whole person. We are committed to
excellence in academic standards that prepare students to reach their full potential and meet the global challenges of the world.
Sharing the love of the Heart of Christ is the foundation of the St. Rocco School community. Inspired by the life of Jesus Christ, we are called to model a Catholic way of life rooted in the Gospels. Sustained by the love of the Sacred Heart, we strive to provide an environment that enhances the development of strong Catholic values and responsible character. Providing daily opportunities for personal growth through the development of social and life skills, each individual is challenged to be accountable and to demonstrate acceptable and appropriate behavior. Dedicated to the formation of the whole person, we are called to guide members of the community in strengthening their spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and creative self. Preparing students for the future with a challenging, integrated curriculum that encourages independent thinking is the goal at all grade levels. Committed to achieving excellence in academic standards, we are called to teach each student in their journey to reach their greatest potential.